Indian Sex Couple-Meenakshi & Naveen (720p)

On the inside I was still a very feminine person. The upside is I was turning into a fine looking young man the downside however is my possibility of ever truly passing was becoming evident. Genetically I was split with my parents. Got my masculine features from my father's side and my facial features however was very much my mother's. So when made up my face was still very pretty. Genetics really suck! They can be such a cruel joke indeed on some very confused children.Needless to say my fantasy quickly became just that, fantasies. Occasional make up sessions as I quickly surpassed my mother's clothing and then had none to try on any more. And as I got older I was too embarrassed to go out and purchase my own for fear of discovery. Anything deviant from the typical hetero lifestyle was not an acceptable behavior and serious repercussions could occur from an alternative lifestyle. Like DEATH!For all intensive purposes my desires came to a screeching halt with the exception of. She removed my t-shirt and started kissing my chest licking it like a bitch. Slowly she glided down and pulled my shorts and my underwear together. She clasped her hands on my cock and started rubbing it, slowly she got down on her knees and kissed my cock, slowly she started guiding my cock in to her mouth, licking and sucking at it. She licked my balls she spat at my cock and started licking it man that really turned me on who would have thought this lady I had just met who looked so decent would turn out to be a slut like this so nasty? She then started pumping my cock in her mouth, I didn't want to cum so soon so I stopped her. I got her up and asked her to take her saree off. She did it obediently. I kneeled her down on her couch arse facing me. I slowly started inserting my rod into her wet pussy slowly thrusting it and I started pumping her. " oh yes Ravi fuck me harder fuck me harder I need your cock" you really know how to fuck a woman treat me like a bitch make me your.
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